re how to pray, etc.

David Morris fqmorris at
Tue Apr 1 10:57:52 CST 2003

As long as the US isn't so stupid as to try to convert Iraqis to Xianity, how
could anyone object to the military doing its best to serve the religious needs
of servicemen?  Get a life, Doug.

David Morris

--- The Great Quail <quail at> wrote:
>Doug wrote:
<<...saw an email that's going around, with a picture of a GI getting baptized
(full immersion), saying that "in the desert north of Kuwait City Wednesday,
March 12, "Eight members of the 3rd Infantry Division were baptized." I'll send
the photo to anybody who'd like to see it. The religous war aspects of this war
are troubling.>> 
> "There are no atheists in foxholes," Doug. I think you can find enough valid
reasons to protest the war without fabricating a religious one. Enough already
with the Christian stuff -- of *course* some soldiers are Christians, of course
some ministries will ask them to pray, and so on. It's hardly like it's part of
the official rhetoric, nor do you see it all that much in interviews. I think
this is quite alarmist.
> And meanwhile, the other side is crying "Jihad!" and "Our Blood and Souls for
Saddam?" I do hope that's part of the "religious war aspects" that you find "troubling."

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