re how to pray, etc.

David Morris fqmorris at
Tue Apr 1 13:02:04 CST 2003

Of course, as long as there are enough of that faith in the service to justify
the support.  Such equal treatment of all religions is in the US Constitution. 
I don'y know if that's true of many European nations.

David Morris

--- thomas kyhn rovsing hjoernet <tkrh at> wrote:
> On 01/04/03 18:57, "David Morris" <fqmorris at> wrote:
> > As long as the US isn't so stupid as to try to convert Iraqis to Xianity,
how could anyone object to the military doing its best to serve the religious
needs of servicemen?
> That goes for non-christian 'religious needs' as well?  

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