Pynchon as propaganda

Glenn Scheper scheper at
Sun Apr 6 19:14:16 CDT 2003

I don't see Sartre as treating the gnostic version of nothingness.
And Heidegger, like Jung, kicks at the box without ever getting in.
They all treat of the extinction of the contingent human being, who,
having been extinguished, cannot know his individual death, but only
infers his own death from the death of other individuals in his group.
There is another kind of nothingness, in which one, while yet alive,
as it were, experiences his own non-being as a part of whole being.
Thus, like the cracking-vase vision with which I introduced myself,
the whole entity is neither the whole vessel, nor the destruction
of the vessel, but both together, intermingled, as an hieros gamos.
In Christianity, we have a beast that "was, and is not, and yet is"
which may or may not be this same type, the christic entity himself.
I received, about 1980, after some tantric activity, a pair of red
dotted circles in my right palm, like the logo of the Target store.
They appeared suddenly and faded away, as described in my long work.
They might be the mark of the beast, although it comes entirely too
early according to my interpretation of Revelation, so it might be
another mark.
Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
scheper at
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