More army chaplaincy
calbert at
calbert at
Thu Apr 10 12:48:02 CDT 2003
> The UN and the coalition are not the same thing. That's obvious
> enough.
apparently not....why else would you continue to conflate them?
" Iraq was in material breach of UN resolutions relating to
> Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait. This is the reason the coalition
> invaded Iraq and this is the reason why the coalition is now in the
> process of changing its government."
the 91coalition and the 03coalition are NOT the same thing.....of
course, you knew that too.....
Of course there are others reasons
> why the coalition opted to use force. One reason is that the coalition
> was certain that the military option would accomplish it's primary
> objectives, disarm Iraq
You conveniently overlook that when Powell went before congress
seeking authorization for this war, he cited WoMD
"Disarm" has come to mean whatever it needs to mean for the
purposes of propaganda....I doubt seriously that Iraq was obliged
by any UN resolution to strip down to its figurative "skivvies" and
give up all pen knives.......It is yet another example of the sloppy
thinking which informs the pro-war side.....
In fact it is the same kind of sloppy horsecrap that we hear in
defense of Reaganomics - I am teeing up your old paean to that
school for a future spanking, btw.......and rest assured it will be
data intensive..........
and remove the regime, while preserving the
> state of Iraq, opening the state to humanitarian relief, and
> installing an interim government.
Take a moment and familiarize yourself with the reasons given
when the authorization was sought......ere long we''l be talking
about how we needed to open up new markets for Wall-Mart....
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