"resemblance of the Pequod to George Bush's White House"
pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 14 09:45:19 CDT 2003
[...] Melville's great novel is prophetic even if the
resemblance of the Pequod to George Bush's White House
is imperfect. Though Ahab's missing leg and the
destroyed Twin Towers are symbolically comparable
losses, as is Dick Cheney's lost opportunity to kill
Saddam Hussein in 1991, Iraq will not crush and sink
the United States as the whale crushed and sank the
Pequod. Nor is George W. Bush a grizzled monomaniac
whose mere glance strikes terror, but the callow
instrument of neoconservative ideologues, obsessed
since the end of the cold war with missionary zeal to
Americanize the world, as previous empires had once
hoped with no less zeal to Romanize, Christianize,
Islamicize, Anglicize, Napoleonize, Germanize, and
communize it. [...]
The New York Review of Books
May 1, 2003
By Jason Epstein
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