GR 'Streets'
Glenn Scheper
scheper at
Thu Apr 17 07:25:33 CDT 2003
I jumped way head to read back and forth around GR 693. Wow!
I sought atomic, bomb, explosion, etc, in my cache, and got
several gems, including of course, my own web page account.
This is just the top of the list. I hope to return with more.
Here's mine first, showing how Hiroshima goes with AF psychosis.
About July of 1976 I had an acute psychosis. I entered a
black cloud that had appeared in my bedroom. I cannot
remember anything about that night of my life. The first
thing I can remember was the next morning: I was forcing my
little brother to type, and I was peering into the
jibberish, trying to find a message.
Ignoring for now conflicted Oedipal ideation, I told my
father that I thought a huge candle on the coffee table was
a bomb, and if I were to light it, it would blow up the
whole world. He handed me his lighter and I lit it, then I
ran away to my bedroom to avoid the explosion.
I rubbed eggs on my eyes, to be able to "see", and tried to
read the meaning of the universe in random patterns woven in
the sofa material.
I remember an idea that I was to trade places with my
brother, who was mentally retarded by Downs syndrome; but he
was to become a genius.
But now I know "He" meant the indwelling Holy Spirit, what I
now understand as the parousia.
Although first elated with messianic ideation, I soon
despaired: For like Adam, I was utterly alone, having
performed an unique unforgivable act, which is the annulling
of being (Spinoza).
So, I tried to become "small" to escape divine inspection
and wrath, like a pebble that could think, having to stop
its atoms from vibrating to get smaller, eventually as small
as powder.
By the end of that day, I could no longer talk about my
fears, but was reduced to a catatonic mode, violently
shaking together two gemstones attached to some thongs in a
Western-style tie.
That day ended with me drugged out at a crisis center,
intent upon a single sunbeam that came between the curtains,
while mentally I cringed upon every heartbeat - for each
beat seemed to be the ticking of a bomb just about to
What I failed to note there, is that another idea of the
acute psychosis was this: An expanding wavefront from the
atomic bombing of Japan had slowly been crystalizing the
entire world, and was just then reaching me; Also, from
my old page, "The goddess Athena sprang from Zeus's head.
In an acute psychosis that happened to me after my first
autofellatio, I had a similar crazy thought: that I would
die in the course of the birth of something to be born
from my head." Also cf. ticking clock in croc of P. Pan!
the cache
Compare this to the 060.htm vision far below:
_Hiroshima Bombing Account Page_
Suddenly --- the time is approximately 8:15 -- the whole valley
is filled by a garish light which resembles the Magnesium light
used in photography, and I am conscious of a wave heat.
on the straw mats which constitute the floor of Japanese houses.
_The Birth of the Bomb: Leo Szilard by Donald Williams, Jungian analyst_
Shortly before his intuition about an atomic bomb, Leo
Szilard had been reading The World Set Free by H. G. Wells...
_The True History of Atlantis_
In Hindu traditions, Mt. Meru served as the Stambha, the
Pillar of Heaven. Mt. Meru (or Kailasa = "Skull" = Calvary")
also served as the support of the Cosmic Tree where the
Cosmic Man (Purusha) was crucified, like Christ on the
Cross. Mt. Meru is also the Holy Mountain of Paradise,
endlessly portrayed in India during its explosion, in
beautiful mandalas such as the Shri Yantra. By the way, the
Golden Lotus often shown with them portrays the "atomic
mushroom" of the cosmic explosion, as we argue in detail in
our work entitled "The Secret of the Golden Flower".
_The Trinity Site by Donald Williams, M.A., Jungian Analyst (Boulder,
an old rancher was wondering why the sun seemed to come up
in the west and then go down again. Time was out of joint.
_JERUSALEM Countdown to Armageddon, Gog Magog, Armageddon, ..._
When the Phoenix felt its death approaching, after every 500
years, it would build a nest and then set it on fire - only
to be consumed in the flames itself. Having afterwards been
reborn from the ashes, a new Phoenix would rise from the
debris and take off in flight, rising to great heights in
the sky, and carrying its offering, an egg embalmed from the
ashes, to offer it on the altar of the sun god.
_Edgar Cayce Readings, 254-60_
All connected with the work or associated in any way with it
were gathered in an upper room, on the top floor of a
building. The room was without furniture, and it seemed that
a big sheet covered the floor and underneath was straw. We
all sat and stood around waiting for an explosion which we
knew must come; as everything had been set for it. The
explosion was to come from above; we all understood that the
building would crash, but none even thought of running away
or getting outside of the explosion. We had faith in some
higher power that would save us from the wreck. It seemed,
too, that the explosion would open up a treasure buried
beneath the building which we had heretofore not been able
to locate, and those who survived the shock and remained
faithful would receive the treasure.
_Is There a Role for Natural Theology Today?_
the beginning, to 10e-43 second. At that point, at a second
split so fine that no clock could measure it, the entire
observable universe is compressed within a dot of pure
energy, a wavelike blur described by the uncertainty
principle, so tiny and compact that it could pass through
the eye of a needle. And then comes the explosion. "There is
no way to express that explosion" writes the poet Robinson
_Trespassing limits_
Characteristic of the
monomythical quest is the fact the protagonist will have to
enter what anthropologist Joseph Campbell denominated a
"zone of magnified power,"
according to Carl Jung a symbol for the human
unconscious. Slothrop actually has to enter the Zone, a
strange ground apparently located in Germany but actually a
textual example of ontological instability, with many
different interspersed stories.
Without going into all the scientific detail, when you
consume this mono-atomic gold by mouth or injection, it
increases the current carrying capacity of the nervous
system by ten thousand times.
_Robert Anton Wilson: 1988 Interview_
"Bride of the Monster" has some really wonderful stuff, too.
There's an atomic explosion at the end and the main characters
are all standing around, there's no fall-out, no blinding white
light, none of the side effects of a real atomic explosion,
just a mushroom shaped cloud and they stand there and look
at it. And the chief of police says, "He meddled in God's
domain," which is probably the corniest line in the history
of films, but this together with an atomic explosion that
isn't an atomic explosion, it's absolutely hilarious.
_The C.G. Jung Page: What's New -- announcements of new articles...
A book by Michael Ortiz Hill entitled Dreaming the End of
the World: Apocalypse as a Rite of Passage (Hill, 1994) ...
The Messianic dream of the Bomb as it was enacted at Trinity
partakes of a very particular way of spirituality that far
precedes the invention of the Bomb itself. The plurality of
nature is stripped away, and the fire that burns in the
heart of things is witnessed naked, unmediated|the mysterium
tremendum. In Greek, this is called apokalypsis|literally
"revelation" or "a tearing away of the veil, of that which
conceals"|Nature|matter itself|is rendered as burnt offering
toward that which utterly transcends the differentiation of
form (p.22-23).
The destruction of cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945)
2,6 : The destruction by atomic weapons of the Japanese
cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 1945).
2,70 : A punitive measure against a people described as
proud that would make this nation regress. Possible allusion
to the destruction of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki at the end of the Second world War, or event to
2,91 : The destruction by atomic weapons of cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 1945).
2,92 : The destruction by atomic weapons of cities of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki (August 1945).
6,90 : The United States blamed for the destruction, by
atomic weapons, of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. Even the American headquarters revolts against the
president's decision. The justification of the attack
supported by the traditional stubbornness of nipponese
<> &warnings.html
I am awakened with a severe headache. As I lay in bed
offering up the pain and trying to pray, I begin to see a
vision. In this vision I see a ball of fire with a tail. I
see it hit a surface. I have been shown this ball of fire
before. But always it is hurling through the darkness of
space. This time I see it HIT a surface. I DO NOT know what
this surface is. With impact there is an explosion and a
tremendous light. I understand this to be the cosmic signs
that will accompany the illumination of conscience...
_Schools of Vedanta_
The Jiva is of atomic size. He is the eternal servant of
God. He bears the same relation to God as the sun's rays
bear to the sun and as a spark bears to the mass of fire
from which it flits out. The ray, although it radiates from
the sun and is part and parcel of the sun, is not the sun.
_Baudelaure Charles:_
XLVIII Any where out of the world -- N'importe ou hors du monde
Pas un mot.
-- Mon ame serait-elle morte?
"En es-tu donc venue a ce point d'engourdissement que tu ne te
plaises que dans ton mal?
S'il en est ainsi,
fuyons vers les pays qui sont les analogies de la Mort.
les aurores boreales nous enverront de temps en temps leurs gerbes
roses, comme des reflets d'un feu d'artifice de l'Enfer!"
Enfin, mon ame fait explosion,
et sagement elle me crie:
"N'importe ou!
n'importe ou!
pourvu que ce soit hors de ce monde!"
_Welcome to Adobe GoLive 5_
In 1934 president Franklin D. Roosevelt sent agents to
Mongolia to search for the reincarnated Christ and the Holy
Grail, the secret of transmuting elements. Eleven years
later, American scientists involved in the Manhattan Project
exploded the first atomic bomb. Did the Secrets of atomic
weaponry come from the Holy Grail? When we split the atom in
1945 did we split the word or life-force of God?
The Holy Grail -- in its Christian dimension the mystic
receptacle used by Christ to perform the Eucharist at the
Last Supper when he poured wine for the disciples to drink,
saying, "this is my blood"1. Grail lore maintains it also
caught Jesus' transformed blood and sweat after the
_Ancient Egyptian Flying Vehicles_
The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources on Vimanas,
goes on to tell the awesome destructiveness of the war:
"...(the weapon was) a single projectile charged with all the
power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and
flame As bright as the thousand suns rose in all its
_Big Bill's Philip K Dick (PKD) Stuff!_
illustrated perfectly in one of his best early stories when
someone, trying to trace a robot programmed to explode upon
hearing a keyword, suddenly discovers that he is the robot
This theme grew in his novels. "We have a fictitious world,"
Dick wrote the year before his death, and it's a belief that
pervades all his work. In "Eye in the Sky", survivors of a
nuclear accident discover they are living in the dream world
of four of their most neurotic company,
WARNING: I notice Crowley maps star on semen, not anus!
That may be a clue to his downfall compared to some AF.
You'll know what I mean when I explicate the Pynchon images.
_Liber 963 The Treasure House Of Images_
Whence I shall reach my lips to Thy pap, and sucking out Thy
stars, shed them in these adorations upon the Earth.
O Thou snow-clad volcan of scarlet fire, Thou flamecrested
pillar of fury! Yea, as I approach Thee, Thou departest from
me like unto a wisp of smoke blown forth from the window of
my house.
O Thou summer-land of eternal joy, Thou rapturous garden of
flowers! Yea, as I gather Thee, my harvest is but as a drop
of dew shimmering in the golden cup of the crocus.
O Thou golden Crown of the Universe, Thou diadem of dazzling
brightness! Yea, as I burn up before Thee, my light is but
as a falling star seen between the purple fingers of the
It's worth mentioning this related phenomena, that AF causes
irruptions of universe step-changes earlier than the AF act.
I suspect that's because the self-intersecting AF shape can
only be fully represented, or fully exist, in N+1 dimensions.
_Nonlocality With Time Reversibility_
Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
scheper at
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