Happy Good Frigg's Day

s~Z keithsz at concentric.net
Fri Apr 18 22:30:29 CDT 2003

>>>Those that associate its smugness in GR with Christ
will have to explain why Pynchon associates the cross the Egyptian sign
for Life, the Tree of Life in the Herero religion, the swastica--which
was a sign of life and an astrological symbol,  sign of blessing long
before Jesus of Nazareth was born....and so on....<<<

That is fucking true, dude. It is a symbol predating Christianity by tens of
thousands of years. It is not specified as the Christian cross in the
passage. There is not one explicit reference to Christianity in the entire
section. It is likely that army-chaplains are Christian, of course, but this
is a fictional world, and their religion is not stated. That one observation
changes the entire passage for me.

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