A Pussy Reading

s~Z keithsz at concentric.net
Sat Apr 19 18:59:16 CDT 2003

"Whatever lip-service we may pay to Reason," he told Pokler's class back at
the T.H., "to moderation and compromise, nevertheless there remains the
lion. A lion in each one of you. He is either tamed--by too much
mathematics, by details of design, by corporate procedures--or he stays
wild, an eternal predator.

"The lion does not know subtleties and half-solutions. he does nor accept
SHARING as a basis for anything! He takes, he holds! He is not a Bolshevik
or a Jew. You will never hear relativity from the lion. He wants the
absolute. Life and death. Win and lose. Not truces or arrangements, but the
joy of the leap, the roar, the blood."

The sun was in Leo. The fireburst came roaring and sovereign. . . . (GR694)

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