GR the Heresy Question

jbor jbor at
Wed Apr 23 17:32:57 CDT 2003

on 24/4/03 8:39 AM, Scott Badger wrote:

> GR, 318:
> The Empty Ones can guarantee a day when the last Zone-Herero will die, a
> final zero to a collective history fully lived. It has appeal.
> There is no outright struggle for power. It is all seduction and
> counterseduction, advertising and pornography, and the history of the
> Zone-Hereros is being decided in bed.
> [....]
> Conversations between Ombindi and Enzian these days are thus a series of
> commercial messages, with Enzian not so much mark as unwilling shill,
> standing in for the rest of the tip, who may be listening and maybe not.
> Like husband and wife arguing over the best route home.
> The question of the "delegate" seems not so much whether it is Enzian, but
> who does he represent.
> Scott Badger
> PS   Like me, I'll bet Pynchon can't draw for shit without dots to
> connect...

Just a quick addendum: I think this earlier conversation (c. 318 ff) between
Enzian and Ombindi is like an executive planning meeting where they are
working out a forward strategy for the Herero crusade in the Zone. From this
meeting might have come the decision to send a delegate to the Counterforce
Convention. The attempted coup against Enzian by the rebel Empty Ones comes
later on (732-3), after the meeting with Katje.


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