GR organised religion cf. personal beliefs

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at
Sat Apr 26 21:12:07 CDT 2003

Very, very good.  I'm glad to see certain resonances
being noted here.  Again, it is Not a Bad Thing for us
to have something brand spanking new to discuss ...

--- Mutualcode at wrote:
> Which is really what 1984 is all about: the psychic
> renovation known as room 101....
> Room 101, in the organized religious sense, becomes
> Auditorium 101, or a little while down the
> evolutionary trail- Theater 101, where now the group
> demons are symbolized, and the priests exorcise
> and/or expiate them.
> GR can also be understood in these terms, but here
> we are given access to a whole new dimension-
> we have always been at the movies...

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