1984 Foreword "redefining a world in which the Holocaust did not happen"

jbor jbor at bigpond.com
Sun Apr 27 16:33:35 CDT 2003

on 28/4/03 7:25 AM, Mutualcode wrote:

> Pynchon's suggestion that Orwell might have been attempting to "redefin[e] a
> world in which the Holocaust did not happen" in _1984_.
> Now why would Pynchon suggest that Orwell would want to do that?

>From the Foreword:

> There is some felt reticence, as if,
> with so many other deep issues to worry about, Orwell
> would have preferred that the world not be presented
> the added inconvenience of having to think much about
> the Holocaust. The novel may even have been his way
> of redefining a world in which the Holocaust did not
> happen. (xvi-xvii)

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