1984 Foreword "fascistic disposition"

pynchonoid pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 30 10:36:03 CDT 2003

--- s~Z <keithsz at concentric.net> wrote:
> Speaking of the optimistic use of the pronoun 'we,'

The "we" in the phrase "the world in which we live"
does legitimately include all listeners, without
attributing to them any particular quality other than
sharing the planet.  fq's use of "we" to imply that he
speaks for all P-listers remains incredible, although
it's undeniable that fq inhabits, along with the rest
of us,  "the world in which we live."

Fact remains, a handful of voices here on Pynchon-L
work overtime to dismiss Pynchon's non-fiction, and
get nervous whenever the possibility emerges that the
politics made explicit in his non-fiction inform his
fiction as well. Far from exploring the issues in the
spirit of open discussion and good faith, these voices
are working hard, to derail discussion of the
non-fiction, by hastily judging the Foreward in
question, for example, without even reading it, with
ad hominem insult of the author (Pynchon -- Terrance,
Malign, and Mackin seem to favor this approach),
subjecting it to the sort of syntactical analysis you
might expect in a Monty Python skit, by insulting the
person who's trying to spark a genuine discussion
(Monroe in this case), etc. Unable or unwilling to
come to grips in any meaningful way with Pynchon's
oeuvre as a whole, they throw the sort of pot-shots
that have shut down good faith discussion here time
and again over the years.


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