1984 Foreword "fascistic disposition"

pynchonoid pynchonoid at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 30 17:19:51 CDT 2003

--- Malign:
>Three people at
> least, have taken the time 
> to try to tease out the meaning of what P is saying,
> all coming to similar 
> conclusions, none in agreement with yours.

Three people at least, have taken the time to apply
pre-conceived opinions they developed during the
discussion of the SL Intro, and use the same tortured
syntactical analysis in an effort to paint the
Foreward as unworthy of discussion, all the while
insulting Dave Monroe and others who don't agree with
their conclusions, now as they did back then.

What is it about Pynchon's non-fiction that so
threatens these P-list poseurs? 



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