1984 Foreword

jbor jbor at bigpond.com
Wed Apr 30 17:37:43 CDT 2003

on 1/5/03 4:02 AM, Terrance wrote:

> So the Appendix is not an Appendix? But that's tricky, isn't it. I mean,
> one turns to it as one reads the novel and if in the end one discovers
> that it isn't really what it seems to be well....

No "one" doesn't. Or not necessarily. There's no instruction to read it,
only a footnote in the first chapter mentioning that it's there. By using
this tactic (the footnote, the retrospective analyis of Newspeak) isn't
Orwell setting up the possibility that there is a future beyond Big Brother
in which this text was able to be composed and/or published? Which is more
or less what Pynchon sez.


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