Subject: NPPF Canto Three
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper at
Fri Aug 8 10:56:55 CDT 2003
300 lines doesn't post well. Now trying small part #3:
L707-9 Dark, Fountain, other Atoms
This parallels my psychotic ideation of a vase that at
once was becoming crazed, and the darkness of the void
interpenetrated it, crazing, cracking, disintegrating;
which I now recognize as N+1 dimensional Klein bottle,
but not with a single interpenetration, but everywhere.
Also, that destruction and that vessel are one entity.
Since Shade distills the dark out behind the fountain,
his etiology and possibilities are probably different.
L717-9 Perceptually, only grasped
I say so too. Whether it hangs on taboo, none imagining
this possibility; or hangs on a wet quantum mechanical
effect; or is by design; Hades is abject man's domain.
L740 - Constant vertical
Beside AF, suggests biblical "plumbline", a reference.
L746 - Twin display
After AF, one is at utterly alone, as if made alien.
To find a first other similar indication is amazing.
My first was in the Tao Te Ching, all I had for years.
Since Internet, I've turned up fellows left and right.
L749 - Mrs Z, Surgeon, scalpel
A reflexive reference. Mrs. Z *IS* surgeon and scalpel.
L767 - smoke
versus fire -- extended duration of female ejacu1ations?
L759-766 - Schmidt and Smith, no myth
"my sheep hear my voice"
L783-4 - blue, niece, Matterhorn
blue ~ "blew". Little boy blue, come blow your horn.
I say gk MEGA is a signpost to reflexive references,
as are all huge tropes: probably heaven, earth, sea.
Mrs Z. can be her own niece due to Oedipal collapse.
Mountain is a feminine genital trope; (Mother-horn)
L795-6 - brink of incest
Two people "casting a glamour" is definitely powerful.
L802 - mountain vs. fountain, Majestic
Among my odd tantric meaning deriviation, is that King
is whomsoever eats the female genital, be it of females,
self or other, or morphologically male androgynous Pan.
So the mountain correlates with kingship, majesty. Also
majesty is of MAGNUS, great, MEGA. Maybe the fountain's
greatness is its great smallness... Stop the craxy talk!
L805 - abyss (to study)
I said mouth fits abyss to Poe, and find it used in much
poetry thus, but it doesn't fit my life versus Revelation
mapping. Rather, I ponder 1esbians as referent to abyss.
Any standing female has an inverted pit, thus bottomless.
L807 - contrapuntal theme
Develop these fully and you will overcome the patriarchy.
L812 - link and bobolink
bobolink after link invites separating out "bob":
n 1: a hanging cluster
v 4: to try to catch suspended or floating fruit in the teeth
L814 - plexed artistry
plie', bent. The self bent over.
L817 - involute abobe
self-intrusive as describe.
L820 - faun
Checked Westers: faun (not fawn) = minor Roman dieties
... goatlike ... satyr. My essay's Cerrnunnos anecdote
has this as male self-suck1ing, a second metamorphosis.
I had some other thoughts, not sure where I saw all this:
The white cataract, instead of the hoped for
revelation, is the dead end of man's knowledge.
The writing itself is swallowed up in the abyss
of the white page (5). ... their source.
In the cave on Tsalal was a name, "Poe ' and a
finger (Poe's) pointing the direction to the source
- If not AF, then coitus as totalized by an AF. Finger=pen is.
"I have graven it within the hills, and my vengeance upon
the dust within the rock."
The dust is clearly related to seed, offspring, and
is consistent with Revelation's men "hid themselves
in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains" as
of ordinary dyadic coitus, and producing offspring.
Pope, Essay on Man
Like a null hypothesis, proves that I cannot read AF
into any arbitrary texts. Devoid of all AF insights.
That Shade finished him benotes a dependence on non-
gnostic Cartesian enlightenment reasoning, deficient.
Alfred's Boethius: Modern English Translation
Lauds conservatism and deferred gratification; Uses
religious terms without any correlation to AF domain.
His fountain is in the subjunctive; He has it not:
> Oh! truly blessed a man would be
> Here in all things, had he the power to see
> The bright and spotless heavenly stream,
> That grand fountain of every good;
Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at +
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