VLVL 3 Zoyd and Hector

Otto ottosell at yahoo.de
Sat Aug 9 09:03:21 CDT 2003

> "The text simply
> doesn't support it.

It would be nice to see some quotes that support your point.

Tweety & Sylvester is a hunted/hunter-relationship. When you're a smoker
like Zoyd and a cop is interested in you paranoia is absolutely justified.

 "the liaison, as dangerous politically for brock as for frenesi,
  nevertheless is constituted through an asymmetrical power relation."
(Katherine Hayles,  from Kai's post)

This is important- The asymmetrical power relation of course goes for the
Hector-Zoyd relationship too (gun versus pipe). Pynchon shoes much realism
here that the dope-community is victimized by the state. His sympathy always
goes to the powerless.

Zoyd *is* saved at the end of the novel. I just reject the attempt to buy
uncritically Hector's claim that Zoyd wasn't better than the snitches

What's the deal between Hector and Zoyd? Could you give page numbers? Zoyd
denies that there has been a deal and he rejects the proposed new deal with
sarcastic words:

"Can I have a uniform, a badge, a piece?"
"You gonna do it?"
"Bullshit Hector. You givin' me a choice?"

If the country really was free and everybody has the freedom of choice as
Hector claims why don't they leave the hippies alone? I don't buy his

The Reagan-government was an attempt of a revolution directed backwards.

I guess the fact that Hector belongs to a minority (Mexican-American),
especially from the country where the most grass came from in those days is
a clue to his attitude.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Terrance" <lycidas2 at earthlink.net>
Cc: <pynchon-l at waste.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 09, 2003 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: VLVL 3 Zoyd and Hector

> >
> > It's pretty clear that Zoyd's not *scared* of Hector, though.
> I agree. And I agree with just about everything you have posted on the
> Hector & Zoyd Romance. I'm not sure why others are attempting to "save"
> Zoyd here. Not worth the trouble and it can't be done. The text simply
> doesn't support it. More importantly, and this is one reason why I think
> it is helpful to consider the characters in VL in terms of their Work,
> Hector and Zoyd are partners. They have a deal, a contract, an
> agreement. Reagan is in office now and Hector thinks that a "revolution"
> (Reagan's and the nostalgic wave) is in the making so he wants to
> renegotiate the terms of their agreement so that they can make some real
> money. Of course, Hector doesn't have a fucking clue. He probably
> doesn't watch McNeil Lare. It's funny. Hetor is a Mexican-American DEA.
> Think about it.
> The "fear"
> > Zoyd experiences when Van Meter tells him his "old buddy" Hector has
> > up again is because of what this sudden reappearance might mean. Zoyd
> > instantly realises that something's up, and it comes on top of those
> > feelings of unease and ennui he has been experiencing of late, and which
> > detailed throughout the first chapter.
> >
> > best

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