VLVL2(3): Zomoskepsis
Dave Monroe
monrovius at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 15 06:55:59 CDT 2003
"Hector sat slumped in zomoskepsis, or the
contemplation of his soup." (VL, Ch. 3, p. 31)
Main Entry: zym-
Variant(s): or zymo-
Function: combining form
Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from
Greek, leaven, from zymE -- more at JUICE
1 : yeast <zymosan>
2 : enzyme <zymogen>
Main Entry: skep·sis
Pronunciation: 'skep-s&s
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek skepsis examination,
doubt, skeptical philosophy, from skeptesthai
Date: circa 1864
: philosophic doubt as to the objective reality of
phenomena; broadly : a skeptical outlook or attitude
31.12: "zomoskepsis" : Gr. 'zomo': soup. Gr.
'scepsis': inquiry, hesitation, doubt. Obviously,
from the context, soup contemplation. (Naturally, soup
could also be used for scrying, as with M&D).
p. 31 "zomoskepsis" As far as we can tell, this is
a made-up word. But it's well-made, and means just
what it says: The study, or contemplation, of soup or
meat broth. Pynchon seems to enjoy making up words.
Now and then you run across another "skepsis" word.
Two of our advisors spotted "omphaloskepsis"
(navel-gazing) in the beginning chapters of Umberto
Eco's Foucault's Pendulum.
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