VLVL2(3): The Samurai Condition

Dave Monroe monrovius at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 18 03:38:29 CDT 2003

"Hector sadly knew this wasn't anywhere near the
samurai condition of always being on the perfect edge
prepared to die, a feeling he'd known only a few times
in his life, long ago."  (VL, Ch. 3, p. 29)

p. 29 "the samurai condition"    The notion of a
samurai "always being prepared to die" will be echoed
on page 161 when Takeshi is shown to be technically
dead, hence living without fear of death, hence always
prepared to die. Which makes him a perfect samurai. Or


"All that mostly sleepless night there would be tears
in Takeshi's ears, snot in his mustache, and sinuses
acting like love gone astray, though set next to the
fact that he was technically dead, these were pretty
minor."  (VL, Ch. 9, p. 161)

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