VLVL 4: War, politics and love

snarf snarf at montevideo.com.uy
Sun Aug 31 17:21:40 CDT 2003

Yeah, I assume P. knows spanish pretty well and the spanish translation of
bush vet. as "veterano de la jungla" kind of imply a triple meaning:
somebody used to live in the woods, vietnam veteran and somebody used to
survive in the margins of society, although the veterinarian thing is missed
in the translation, as Terrance pointed out. I think we can fairly take that
RC may be all these.

Thanks, Dave for the links to the covers gallery. I have noticed that the
cover art of the american paperback edition of V. shows the same picture
than my spanish edition (the girl with her long arms in V), so I guess that
the cover of my spanish Vineland edition is also shared with some other
editions in original language (although the superimposed image of the
telescopic sight of a rifle over John Olson's photograph is credited to some
Miguel ParreƱo).  I don't think P. has much control over package having seen
some weird covers out there...

I haven't read Gravity Rainbow yet. Is a very expensive book to buy down
here, compared to our average earnings. Kind of 15% of a regular salary and
you don't find used P. books easily. Worst enough, GR is a big book to
shoplift... Every sunday morning I go to a huge fair where people sells all
kind of used things. You can find almost anything there and I enjoy myself a
big deal looking for bargains and strange objects. There are lots of used
books there, and I have built my library almost entirely with books found in
this fair at very low prices. Through the years I managed to get my Pynchon
books from the fair, but neither GR nor Mason&Dixon ever appeared. Anyway,
today I ended up buying two Nabokov books "The defence" and "King, Queen,
Knave" at U$S 2, each. Seeing that the nabokovians have taken P-list, I
don't even have to look for a Nabokov list...

Well, thank you for your kind welcoming and for taking time in answering my
posts. I hope my english is not too bad and that you forgive any errors you
may find in my writing.

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