VLVL(5) At the Movies and on the Tube

Terrance lycidas2 at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 9 10:34:03 CST 2003

> It seems strange that these two characters are discussing a movie from
> 1945 in the 1970s.  This was just before cable TV and VCRs exploded the
> availability of old movies. Why do you suppose Pynchon has the two main
> characters bring this movie up?

Another example of characters talking as they wouldn't, shouldn't,
couldn't unless of course they are TV/Movie characters. And they are. 

But in what sense? 

Lots of critics talk about the line that I-24 says later on about the
'60s people not knowing much about the Tube. I've yet to read a critic
who gets that line right. 

It's pretty en por tan. 

Try this one: page 330 

Che is talking about Elvis and Patsy Cline. 

Give me a break. 

Che's Mom watched MTV all day. 

Justin watches PBS and imitates Reagan. 

Flash watches watergate. 

Hector is the Brady Buncher. 

Zoyd watches Zoyd. Not to mention everything else. 

Thanatoids watch TV a lot. 

Vato and Blood watch cartoons in Vietnam and they model themselves after
chip and dale. 

What's going on?

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