VLVL Takeshi

Terrance lycidas2 at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 3 09:37:33 CST 2003

> I'll rephrase the other question: why does Pynchon include a woman in a
> draped white gown in the airport scene, whether or not it's Takeshi's
> hallucination? Is it just a dead end, a meaningless allegorical apparition?
> Or are *we* being addressed, being told to "[w]atch the paranoia" as well?
> Is there a reflexive component to it?

Could be. Since Takeshi never acknowledges the woman in white, never
talks to her, and since the dialogue is not interrupted, and since the
narrative is not within the frame of his mind, it's certainly possible
that the woman in white is not an hallucination at all, but is there
addressing the dear reader. Any idea what "regular features"  are?

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