VLVL2 (9.5): "A Stock Model Late-Sixties Longhair"

Dave Monroe monrobotics at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 4 11:18:51 CST 2003

"They found an orchard ladder in a shed, and soon the
driver had descended, a stock model late-sixties
longhair, power-forward-size but short on humor." (VL,
Ch. 9, p. 188)

"a stock model late-sixties longhair"

The driver, not the Toyota, that is ...

Main Entry: long·hair 
Pronunciation: 'lo[ng]-"har, -"her
Function: noun
Date: 1920
1 : an impractical intellectual
2 : a person of artistic gifts or interests;
especially : a lover of classical music
3 : a person with long hair; especially : HIPPIE
4 : a domestic cat having long outer fur
- long·haired  /-'hard, -'herd/ or longhair adjective



I.e., the size of a power forward ...

  The power forward must excel on the defensive end of
the court. He not only has to be a tremendous
defensive rebounder, but, he must be able to play
outstanding defense in the post. Often times the power
forward is called upon to guard the other team’s
center—given that his own center finds himself in foul
trouble. The strength of a team’s ability to fastbreak
lies in the power forward, who should almost always
lead his team in rebounding. His ability to take the
ball off the glass and throw the outlet to his point
guard with both speed and efficiency is imperative to
fast break points. On the offensive end, a good power
forward creates second-chance opportunities for his
team by grabbing offensive rebounds, providing his
team with another possession. Also, he must be able to
hit the open jump shot, as he often finds himself as
the man left open when defenses are attempting to shut
down his center or one of his team’s sharp-shooting
guards. Power forwards also must provide that
intangible spark for their team: his physical and
mental toughness should fire up his teammates. He
should be the ultimate “leader by example.”

Longhair + power-forward-size = TRP?  "who's taken ten
years your time," maybe (Gravity's Rainbow [1973] to
Vineland's 1984), but hardly "short on humor" ...

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