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Ghetta Life
ghetta_outta at
Mon Dec 8 13:00:34 CST 2003
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When Samuel Beckett's wife heard that he had won the Nobel Prize for
Literature, she is said to have turned to him and pronounced simply: "Quelle
catastrophe!" Beckett refused to go to Stockholm and dispatched his
publisher - "very kindly facing the turnips in my stead on that
This year's winner, JM Coetzee, is being a little more obliging. Although he
did not turn up to collect either of his Booker Prizes in 1993 and 1999, he
delivered this year's Nobel Lecture last night and will receive the prize
itself on Wednesday.
What Coetzee will not do is make himself available for interview. He belongs
to that small band of heroic writers who - without being as reclusive as
Pynchon or Salinger - have declined to make themselves available for
publicity purposes.
Beckett, one of Coetzee's inspirations, stands at their head. He had "no
views to inter", he would tell applicants; "not even for you" he said to
friends. As John Fletcher, says in a new book, About Beckett: "Not once was
his face seen on the front cover of a glossy magazine below a banner
headline announcing: ¢ÆThe publicity-shy dramatist talks to us exclusively
about the star-studded production of X, opening this week at the Y Theatre
on Z Avenue ..."
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