"Solitude, solidarity, Sexuality."

Glenn Scheper glenn_scheper at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 11 05:25:31 CST 2003

Although Magical Realism was not judged
a relevant nod from a Toyota in a Tree,
the side jaunt to discover it was swell.


The first page, with the binary Hobbes/Rousseau antithesis
reminds me to suggest that reality may not be identical for
all people. Only a fascist totalizer believes it to be so.

I have said Revelation's Heptad is made by excluding one
of an Ogdoad, all combinations of three binary attributes.
As Kant gives three undecidables (freedom, God, eternity)
they might be the basis of the ogdoad: Some men are free,
and some are not. For some men, God exists, and for some,
he does not. Some men are eternal, some are not. (&Women!)

Clearly one axis is gender, and I tried to posit two other
axes, stuck a while on paternal and maternal infant abuse.

However, if I also account for D&G's antiOedipus, that the
Oedipal triangle holds apart three distinctions: something
like life/death, parent/child, male/female, which collapse
in the panic or christic psychosis/metanoia/metamorphosis;
As Angus Mac Oc: "--Born--Bridalled--Shrouded--In a Day--"

Then one sees that his triangle is merely the corner of a
cube spanned by three attributes, and the opposite gender
is at the opposite corner: that a Jewish double triangle.

Anyway, putting mother, father, daughter, son at vertices
leaves open who should populate the other four corners. I
like the introduction of the dynamics of generative life
in the idea of maiden-mother-crone, and/or m-m-c-warrior;
though I first thought of mother/daughter/stranger/whore.

Perhaps I should suggest pairs: infant-youth-parent-elder.
Therein you have the sliding window of the generative life
cycle passing over the WAS (this is, past) and IS (current)
and IS-TO-COME (immature) of god, that is, fuck, the only
necessary being of all creat-ures (not asexually eternal).

As I mentioned in an Emily Dickinson forum (who knew this):
The election of the saints is not an election as in exclusion,
but a becoming late earlier, dying before one's time, tasting
death for the benefit of all, by hanging around to exposit it.

Also, Takeshi is such an one, for Pynchon knows these things.
Yours truly,
Glenn Scheper
glenn_scheper + at + earthlink.net
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