VLVL2 (10) Realists and dreamers, 198

Bandwraith at aol.com Bandwraith at aol.com
Tue Dec 23 05:36:02 CST 2003

In a message dated 12/23/03 1:57:53 AM, isread at btopenworld.com writes:

<< Krishna turns the raw material into something that works, and in the 
manages to "keep everybody 'happy'". The scare-quotes are perhaps an
intimation of doom.

Isn't the very dependency of the collective on the larger system- 
which it selectively scopes, of course, for maximum cinematic
capture of their own projected fantasies of domination and control-
a hint that they have entered into the anter-rooms of annihilation?

The inverted message, here, it seems to me, is that the collective
is all about projection rather than their professed ideology of
detailing the truth that's out there.


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