FW: Roky Erikson

Dave Monroe monrobotics at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 27 17:18:06 CST 2003

Hey, the Texas Psych group see:
is compiling a be-all, end-all, multi-disc set of
acoustic Roky Erickson & studio electric. The acoustic
can be both live or studio. The electric must be
studio. This has since been expanded to include video
rips. Like, audio recordings taken from video. It’s a
work in progress.

How about helping us with this? We are the same people
that run the Roky CD Club:

So you KNOW we do it right! Again, we are seeking
upgrades and additions to what we have. This 5-disc
grouping is just that, a grouping. It might take  on a
different form later. Specifically, we are seeking the
full Master Tape & 2nd CBS LP demos along with the
full Sleeping Lady Café bit. Anything else you can
think of too! Help us help you! You know we’re for the
fans! This set can be amazing but we need your help.

Contact Pinnacle Pete about any stuff you can throw in
the pot: petermoore at iname.com

That’s: petermoore @ iname.com


Holiday Inn Tapes: 29:04
1)	The Singing Grandfather 3:59
2)	The Times I've Had 2:30
3)	That's My Song 1:03
4)	True Love Ways 3:39
5)	Peggy Sue Got Married 2:03
6)	Mighty Is Our Love 4:16
7)	I Look At The Moon 2:46
8)	Don't Slander Me 2:39
9)	May The Circle Remain Unbroken 2:33
10)	The Singing Grandfather 3:33

Roky Erickson - 47:50
Donovan / Dylan Tracks:
01 The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll 4:50
02 The Chimes Of Freedom 7:43
03 Catch The Wind 3:46
04 Baby, Let Me Follow You Down 2:38
05 Colors 2:32
06 Honey, Give Me One More Chance 2:00
07 One Too Many Mornings 4:00
08 To Sing For You 2:56
09 Lay Down Your Weary Tune 2:21
10 The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll II 1:37
11 One Too Many Mornings II 1:36
Live California 1975
12 I'm Gonna Free Her 2:26
13 Bermuda 2:45
14 Splash 1 2:19
15 May The Circle Remain Unbroken 0:46
16 I Had To Tell You 2:11
17 Hide Behind The Sun 1:19


All That May Do My Rhyme Outtakes: (49:17)
01 I'm Gonna Free Her 3:09
02 Starry Eyes 3:15
03 You Don't Love Me Yet 4:24
04 Please Judge 4:33
05 We Are Never Talking 3:51
06 Don't Slander Me 3:31
07 For You (I'd Do Anything) 2:24
08 For You 3:05
09 Haunt 3:43
10 Starry Eyes II 3:43
11 Clear Night For Love 2:48
12 Please Judge 45 - Acoustic Version 3:19
13 We Are Never Talking 45  3:55 - longer then CD
14 Starry Eyes III 3:33

Openers: 24:51
1)	When You Get Delighted 3:06
2)	To Think 3:15
3)	Warning 3:41
4)	True Love Cast Out All Evil 3:34
5)	Loving Isn't A Part Time Thing 3:39
6)	The Looking Glass Song 2:28
7)	Don't Slander Me 2:18
8)	Splash 1 2:46

DISC 3: Roky Singles: (45’)

CBS Single (1980)
1)	Side A: Creature With The Atom Brain 4:13
2)	Side B: The Wind And More 4:01

Mars Records Single
4)	Red Temple Prayer (Two Headed Dog) 3:25
5)	Starry Eyes 3:30

Rhino Records Single (1977)
6)	Side A:  Bermuda 3:13
7)	Side B:  The Interpreter 2:40

Scatterbrainchild Records Single (Nov 87)
8)	Side A: Cold Night For Alligators 4:35
9)	Side B: Can’t Be Brought Down 4:37

Acoustic EP
(10-12) Side A: Right Track Now / Mr. Tambourine Man /
Interview  4:30
(13-15) Side B: Creature With / The Atom Brain /
Nothing I can Do  6:31

DISC 4: Assorted: (cull out tracks presented elsewhere
and/or on Don’t Knock 
the Rok) 58:18
1)	Click Your Fingers Applauding The Play - Possibly
Master Demo 3:20
2)	Don't Shake Me - Mars 2:59
3)	Goodbye Sweet Dreams - Mars 75 3:57
4)	I Have Always Been Here Before - 1977 2:44
5)	I Walked With A Zombie 3:17
6)	Mine Mine Mind - Studio 2:39
7)	Splash 1 3:17
8)	Sputnik - Mars 1975  7:21
9)	Starry Eyes - 1981 314
10)	Starry-> Interpret -> Bermuda 9:49 (studio outs?)
11)	The Wind And More 3:57
12)	The Wind And More - Possibly Mars 75 4:40
13)	Two Headed Dog 3:24
14)	Two Headed Dog - Mars 3:32

DISC 5: VIDEO RIPS: (~54:29)

7/13/92 Birthday:
1 Two Headed Dog 3:16
2 Starry Eyes 3:02

Meeting With An Alien 1980 (cul live tracks presented
in higher quality on 
openers LP or ROK12?)
1)	You’re Gonna Miss Me 0:58 Live Electric
2)	Cold Night For Alligators 3:25 Live Electric
3)	Right Track Now - Acoustic 2:35
4)	White Faces 2:14 Live Electric
5)	Mr Tambourine Man... - Acoustic 0:54
6)	Creature With The Atom Brain - Acoustic 3:22
7)	Two Headed Dog 3:43 Live Electric
8)	For You - Acoustic 2:38

Philosophy, Religion & Music
1)	You Don't Love Me Yet  3:35
2)	Beast Is/ Comin'  3:42
3)	Clear Night  2:48
6/1 Soap Creek Electric: (the rest of this recording
is much lower quality)
4)	Beast Is Coming 2:40
5)	...You Don't Love Me Yet 3:05
6)	…Bloody Hammer 4:30
7)	One Forever Shows One The Way 3:18
8)	May The Circle Remain Unbroken 2:52
9)	The Looking Glass Song 1:50

Recall ...

"I got a call from Pynchon's agent saying Pynchon
liked the script, but he wanted a couple of changes.
First you call him Tom, and no one ever calls him Tom.
Second, although he likes Willy DeVille he would
prefer if it were a T-shirt with Roky Erickson of the
13th Floor Elevators."


Pynchon's refusal of the spectacle is not so total as
it may seem -- not in what still remains his private
life, and certainly not in fiction -- after all (and
after Pynchon) it would be impossible to avoid the
totality of the spectacle. In episode 11 of "The John
Larroquette Show" titled "Newcomer" (airing in 1994),
a character describes seeing the famous recluse
writer, who was wearing a Roky Erickson T-shirt.


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