VLVL Ditzah

jbor jbor at bigpond.com
Sun Dec 28 17:21:51 CST 2003

>> Ditzah, by the time of Reagan, is prosperous and comfortably assimilated
>> into the society, wears a tropical muu-muu, drinks sangria and owns a
>> classic car. . . .
> Let's see where this is going.
> A muu-muu is a very inexpensive and shapeless dress.

She's gotten fat, has Ditzah.

> Sangria is punch using an inexpensive wine.

Very trendy at the time, as Mexican restaurants (eg. Montezuma's) started
popping up all over.

> A step up from 
> sloshing some Thunderbird and 7-Up together.
> "Classic car" was actually "vintage car" in the text. Just an old car.

It's actually a "vintage T-Bird in the carport" in the text, so I think the
implication is that it's a classic car rather than some old bomb. And
Pynchon introduces Ditzah by mentioning that she now lives on the "high rent
side of Ventura Boulevard" and makes a point of noting that she was
"divorced and solvent", if any more proof of her descent into bourgeois
complacency were needed.

> I'd never suggest that jbor might be intentionally misleading.
> This is a rather unique reading of the text.

Not at all. Pynchon juxtaposes what Ditzah has become with what she was
then. By the time of the Reagan years she has made her accommodation with
"The System" and is comfortably off. For her, showing off the 24fps footage
is like looking at holiday slides, a trip down memory lane.


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