Pynchon mention in article re young German writers
Richard Romeo
romeocheeseburger at
Tue Dec 30 09:50:06 CST 2003
i can relate steve--
one thing I failed to mention previously is how bloody
funny pynchon and gaddis are. zany and crazy, worth
its weight in gold
TR and GR are my two favorite books. JR/M&D get the
silver medal
--- Steve Maas <tyronemullet at> wrote:
> Nah--Gravitys Rainbow. I recently started it once
> again, and once again I
> find that changes in me reveal new beauty in GR. The
> intellectual game of
> finding references and so on, while it can be fun,
> pales, for me, when
> compared to the pure blinding insights. I've never
> read anything that
> compares.
> Steve Maas
> RR:
> >may be time for this boy to re-read The
> Recognitions
> >rich
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