GR-related: WWII = Vietnam = Iraq

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Sat Feb 8 10:16:27 CST 2003

Mutualcode at
>America, with its assumption of divine right to cheap
>oil and rigged
>markets, has already lost, no matter what happens in
>the middle east.

...continuing the slide that began --  became
unavoidably obvious, at least -- with the criminal
assault on Vietnam in a ham-handed attempt to pick up
the pieces of imperial dreams abandoned by Japan and
France:  the project that lurks behind Pynchon's
depiction of "WWII" in GR.

>America, as the world's mega-consumer- bloated and
>around the ring- is going down; not out, we'll
>survive, but, god willing,
>humbler and more respecting of the world community. 

...assuming Bush the Terrible doesn't bring it all
crashing down by triggering a holocaust (cf. GR's
final page)...

>Perhaps we
>might even re-consider re-joining the world community
>and signing on
>to Kyoto.

That tipping point milestone remains distant,

". . . it was always easy, in open and lonely places,
to be visited by Panic wilderness fear, but these are
the urban fantods here, that come to get you when you
are lost or isolate inside the way time is passing,
when there is no more History, no time-traveling
capsule to find your way back to, only the lateness
and the absence that fill a great railway shed after
the capital has been evacuated"
GR 303

-Doug, on "orange" alert

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