In the rathouse 'o interpretation (WAS Re: politics and religion...)

jbor jbor at
Sun Feb 23 16:26:00 CST 2003

> on 23/2/03 10:22 PM, Mutualcode at at Mutualcode at wrote:
> Over-throwing Suddam's regime by military force- what you seem to
> be advocating-

No, not what I'm advocating at all, thanks very much. Leaving Saddam's
regime intact is the second worst option, is what I've said. If the
"problem" of Saddam can't be "dealt with" (those are your euphemisms, by the
way) via diplomatic/peaceful means, which I'm all for, then there has to be
a back-up strategy. Further, without the palpable threat of substantive
action in the eventuality that all diplomatic/peaceful attempts to resolve
the "problem" fail, then those attempts will again fail. Obviously. Why
would Saddam bother complying or stop persecuting and killing his own people
if all he will get is another slap on the wrist (the eighteenth, in 11-odd
years)? There is little logic, and much self-centredness, in your stance.

As a "peace" (i.e. do nothing) advocate, you are tacitly condoning Saddam's
barbarism, past and future. Fortunately, there are many, even amongst the
anti-war lobby, who have a more rational perspective, and who will support a
UN-backed intervention.


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