more Bush

Malignd malignd at
Fri Jan 24 08:00:07 CST 2003

<<But why must there be a script? A conspiracy? A
Nixonian ploy? A drama made for conspiracy TV? >>


I said nothing about a conspiracy.  Nor did I say
there must be a script.  I said I was musing on
whether W's stubborn, manichean approach to Iraq was
heartfelt or perhaps a ploy to goad things along,
allowing himself to be perceived as unreasonable and
untrustworthy, creating an urgency that would
otherwise be lacking.  If he were,  it would seeem to
be effective.  

I should add that, in the Bush/Thyssen thread, for all
your bluster and your claim to "know this stuff from
the inside out," you've said precious little that's
persuasive or to the point.

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