"Shock and Awe"
Henry Secularpeturbations
henryssecularpeturbations at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 26 04:04:14 CST 2003
--- barbara100 at jps.net wrote:
> So you want us to go to war on Iraq? You mad at
> France and Germany?
I don't like what Germany is doing. Gerhard got
elected by insisting that Germany would play no part
in a war in Iraq. He lied. When he fired up support
with his anti-American and anti-War bull shit I
suspected he was not being honest. At the time I
argued that Germany would support the US led war in
Iraq and that is exactly what is happening now.
Despite all the rhetoric, the US will have unrestriced
use of its German bases and German air space. Germany
has agreed to provide Patriots to Israel. Germans will
fly AWACS reconnaissance aircraft on the Turkish
border with Iraq. German reconnaissance will remain in
Kuwait and will support the US if Iraq should launch
WMD on advancing troops. This is what the Chancellor
has agreed to do for the Bush team. He has also agreed
to provide Luna aircraft to inspect Iraq, this despite
the fact that Germany has a ban on the deployment of
troops outside of NATO w/o parlimentary approval.
Can't be flying to well with the Greens and SD
backbenchers. Even hawks can't be too pleased with the
idea of German crew flying through a loop hole that
would actually suspend pilots from the German army so
that they may fly over Iraq as civilians. But we knew
that Gerhard was full of hot air and that Germany, one
of the biggest suppliers of arms in the world, was not
going to turn pacifist and that no celebrations were
called for. Germany will support the US led war as
best she can. Germany voted for UN Resolution 1441.
And when and if a second resolution is proposed by the
American, Germany, now a temporary memeber of the SC,
is likely to support it. So much for campaign promises
and a pacifist Germany. Meanwhile, it is France and
Germany that need the problem resolved more than the
Americans. Hell, the Americans have lots of Energy and
Germany and France, don't. You can't run the EU
without oil. France and Germany have agreed to get rid
of their Nuke plants and reduce their dirty coal
buring plants. So what are they going to use for fuel?
OIL. OPEC sees the light. They realize that stability
in the ME, stable, moderately priced oil, is good for
the Americans, the Europeans, Japan, and OPEC. Oil
Shocks are no good for anyone. But how can oil prices
be stabilized if Iraq keeps up its program to build a
bomb and threaten its neighbors? And the French have a
lot at stake. The US doesn't ahve any oil business in
Iraq. France has a big investment there and they will
need to do more to protect it. The US should be
applauded for going to the UN and getting the
Inspections going again. Hell, if they didn't do it.
Who would?
OK, Brick day, time to swim,
PS You've got a pretty sick sense of humor, Barb.
Calling the cops on people for writing poems is n ot
funny. Is it?
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