A Dove In The Hand

Elainemmbell at aol.com Elainemmbell at aol.com
Wed Jan 29 08:56:33 CST 2003

Thanks to Cyrus for the red wine tip--perhaps he isn't old enough (or young 
enough?) to know that Red Zinger was (and is--still available on shelves of 
green groceries like "Wild Oats") a spicy tea, popular with hippies and 
vegetarian types in the 70's, made with a deep red hibiscus leaf.  I will, 
however, be careful to protect my red wine's aroma by keeping it warm.  

and yes, the idea of GWB attending to messages of the Tao Te Ching is more 
difficult to wrap the mind around than the effort is worth.  What do you 
think is the deal regarding his language?  I think we've discussed before 
that his pronunciation of "Sad-uhm" is a deliberate affront, but have we 
discussed "nucular" at all?  It's not possible he's unaware of his mangling 
of this word, so why do you think his handlers don't press him to say it 
right?  Is it a kind of signature, roughly meaning "I don't need to be 
articulate because I've got the football"?  Thanks for your thoughts if 
anyone has time to respond.  (This is assuming anyone has the courage to even 
think about GWB this morning after last night's hydrogen powered pole-sitting 

Elaine M.M. Bell, Writer
(860) 523-9225
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