Red Zinger

Cyrus cyrusgeo at
Wed Jan 29 10:44:28 CST 2003

Elaine wrote:

<<Thanks to Cyrus for the red wine tip--perhaps he isn't old enough (or young 
enough?) to know that Red Zinger was (and is--still available on shelves of 
green groceries like "Wild Oats") a spicy tea, popular with hippies and 
vegetarian types in the 70's, made with a deep red hibiscus leaf.  I will, 
however, be careful to protect my red wine's aroma by keeping it warm.>>

I stand corrected. I had never heard of Red Zinger. 
I'm a green tea person (and espresso coffee, lately). 
I think red wine is best served at room temperature, opening the bottle and leaving it a while to "breathe".


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