(Nabokov-free) P-list hypocrites' true colors WAS VLVL2 epigraph

Malignd malignd at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 10 11:04:01 CDT 2003

<<If we accept the criteria proposed here by Malign
Big Bird (assuming for the moment that they are
distinct individuals), then obviously it's OK to 
discuss Pynchon's politics, or to wander farther
afield -- 9-11, war on Afghanistan and Iraq, erosion
of civil liberties by the neofascist Bush
Administration, etc. -- instead of shouting down such
discussion (even when clearly proposed in a Pynchonian
context) or bombing it with ad hominem attack as you
two have done repeatedly, with help from three or four
other screen-names, for a long time now. >>

An organized reading by a number of list members of a
novel by another writer, one who taught at Cornell
while TP was there and may, indeed, have taught TP, is
in no way similar to the repeated, indeed endless,
spamming of hysterical and unedited political cant to
this list by the same single poster.

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