VLVL2: Why Clara Bow?
Dave Monroe
monrovius at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 31 13:27:45 CDT 2003
"Clara's screen debut occurred in BTR. Her cousin
David Decker loaned her $40 to purchase 2 dresses for
the film. She played a flirtatious sub-deb [!] who
stirs up trouble at a fashionable New York ball by
sending all the guests there the messege: 'Consult
your conscience. Your secret is common gossip.'" [!!]
Cf. ...
"Pynchon published this political satire under his own
name during a dangerous time, raising most secrets in
public, albeit in code, warning, statesmanlike, of a
possible dire outcome. The Menippean pattern has been
there in the text, plain as the nose on our faces,
since 1966, lying there like a Magic Eye® print few
people recognize."
As well as, e.g., ...
Thanks again, Otto ...
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