NP: Iraq

Otto ottosell at
Mon Jun 2 13:37:56 CDT 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Morris" <fqmorris at>
To: "Jon" <jmsmall at>
Cc: "Robert Vassegh" <rob.v at>; <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Monday, June 02, 2003 7:29 PM
Subject: Re: NP: Iraq
> --- Jon <jmsmall at> wrote:
> >
> > David Morris wrote:
> > >
> > > --- Robert Vassegh <rob.v at> wrote:
> > > >And untold thousands of Iraqis (human beings) died because they lied.
> > >
> > > This may turn out to be true, but what was the reason that those
> of Iraqis ended up in all those mass graves?
> >
> > This might be a bit of a platitude (well alright a lot) but perhaps it
> > needs to be pointed out that two wrongs don't necessarily make a right.
> > So if they were lying about the justification for war, that's OK?
> No, but it takes into account the fact that there is a "balance sheet"
> polemicists would like to ignore.  "Untold thousands" had died and were
> at the hands of Sadaam before we ever went to war.  The war stopped that.
> the argument that there were no WMD's is still uproven.  Some intelligence
> reports have said that Sadaam evacuated truckloads of them to Syria,
whaere the
> truly elite from Iraq went into hiding.
> David Morris

1. If they only had said that the war is necessary to save Iraqui lives,
without the whole WMD-thing, like in the Yugoslavia-case. It would have been
more difficult for at least France and Germany to say "No" to an
UN-resolution threatening Saddam with war. But all this faked evidence made
it so easy to stay out of it and criticise the Bush-administration.

2. What about the Congo, Ruanda and Uganda? Following your argument we must
declare war on them & on all the other bad guys (like Mugabe, Gaddafi,
Assad) immediately before they develop or buy weapons of mass destruction
and are safe like North Korea.

3. At the end of all this we logically must declare war on Pakistan, India
and China too.


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