NP: Iraq

David Morris fqmorris at
Mon Jun 2 14:33:26 CDT 2003

--- Jon <jmsmall at> wrote:
> Conversely, what you have said is "intelligence reports have said that Sadaam
evacuated truckloads of them to Syria" followed by a request for me prove that
this is not true.

Wrong.  I mentioned an "intelligence report" which by definition may or may not
be true, and I didn't profess my faith, just a possibility.  You, on the other
hand dismissed it as a lie.  It was your certainty I challenged.

> If it is proved I will gracefully apologise for doubting Mr Rumsfeld and Co.
Until then I will be treating it like all the other unsubstantiated claims and
counter-claims from professional propagandists to which we have been subjected
over the past months.

Which would be to reject anything which doesn't agree with your viewpoint.  Can
you see how this is like the pot calling the kettle black?
> To me it seems highly unlikely, but say it were true. Surely the dispersal of
these weapons means that invasion of Iraq on the basis of securing the WMD
threat has been a total failure? How much more likely are they to fall into the
hands of terrorist groups if they have been trucked out of the country to
Iraq's theocratic neighbours? If this is the case, there is an astonishing lack
of concern about it.

Yes, if the report is true it a very bad thing.  But if Syria is in control of
them you can be sure that there are back-channel discussions going on as we
"speak."  This is one loop we'll be kept out of.

David Morris

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