Humpty Dumpty

Otto ottosell at
Sat Jun 7 00:18:52 CDT 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "s~Z" <keithsz at>
To: <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2003 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: Humpty Dumpty

> >>> The world we see are only pictures in our
> brain percepted through our senses.<<<
> If you were to dissect a brain I can assure you there would be no pictures
> found in it.

Of course not, even in a living brain they're represented through electric
energy, electrons, bio-chemical transmitters. A dissected brain has no
sensory input.

> Where are those pictures,

On my hard-disc called brain.

Good question by the way. Reminds me that McElroy's "Plus" is still waiting
for me.

> and who/what is 'seeing' them?

Ah, phenomenology ...

Well, first there was darkness and the darkness was empty. Then there was
me, and I was floating in the darkness. And I said there shall be light.
(or something like that, read Allan Dean Foster's "Dark Star" or watch John
Carpenter's movie please)


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