new This Modern World: "rewritten history, official amnesia and outright lying"

pynchonoid pynchonoid at
Tue Jun 10 10:42:30 CDT 2003


This Modern World:  The Official Revised Bush
Administration History of the of the War on Iraq

"Every day public opinion is the target of rewritten
history, official amnesia and outright lying, all of
which is benevolently termed "spin," as if it were no
more harmful than a ride on a merry-go-round. We know
better than what they tell us, yet hope otherwise. We
believe and doubt at the same time - it seems a
condition of political thought in a modern superstate
to be permanently of at least two minds on most
issues. Needless to say, this is of inestimable use to
those in power who wish to remain there, preferably
--Thomas Pynchon, Foreword to _1984_, p. xiii


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