The Mystic Sixties/: "reden ist silber, schweigen ist ..."

lorentzen-nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at
Mon Jun 23 03:41:59 CDT 2003

Otto quoted:

> "Turn Off Your Mind: The Mystic Sixties and
> the Dark Side of the Age of Aquarius" by Gary Lachman. 

> How did a decade of love and peace end in Altamont and the Manson Family
> bloodbath?

> " ... the moment of destiny
> from which I for one was glad to escape alive" - Marianne Faithfull

> The 1960s ... the rise of a powerful current that permeated pop culture and 
> has been a  central influence on it ever since. It was a magical revolution - 
> a revival of the occult. Previously rejected and ridiculed beliefs took
> centre stage, reaching the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, saturating the
> hippies and flower power ... But the vibes went bad, the auras darkened. Did
> that darker undercurrent win out?

  + moin otto,

  here come some sentences from your former guru:

  "rebellion is a very silent phenomenon that will go on spreading without 
  making any noise and without even leaving any footprints behind. it will move 
  from heart to heart in deep silences, and the day it has reached to millions 
  of people without any bloodshed, just the understanding of those millions of 
  people will change our old primitive animalistic ways." (osho rajneesh)

  now tell us an ashram story or two! 

  kaiĀ°  //:: ps. of course these things did not come out of nothing. for 
            california see especially -- 'john carter': sex and rockets. the 
           occult world of jack parsons. introduction by robert anton wilson. 
          venice 1999: feral house. - 


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