pynchon agnostic? II

Abdiel OAbdiel abdieloabdiel at
Sun Mar 2 13:30:59 CST 2003

--- Dave Monroe <davidmmonroe at> wrote:
> ... and when we don't talk Pynchon, or politics, or
> Blicero, or The List, or ... we talk gnosticism ...

Well, Mr. Perez is up with TSI. I guess 1984 or at
least the Pynchon Foreword is on deck. After
that...well...maybe Pynchon will publish something

And, the Pynchon Industry is churning out stuff on
Pynchon every month. 

Of course, for those of you who live under a rock,
don't own or watch TV, listen to the radio, know how
to google the news,  or can't buy the Sunday paper on
a Saturday night, there will be plenty of news stories
dumped on our collective porch here thus opening the
List to new people, and attracting  people who have no
interest in discussing Pynchon, but know how to troll
for pooop flinging monkeys and snag them by the ears. 

i sold a quart of blood
and bought a half a pint of scotch, 

Well with buck shot eyes and a purple heart 
     I rolled down the national stroll 
     and with a big fat paycheck 
     strapped to my hip sack 
     and a shore leave wristwatch underneath 
     my sleeve 
     in a Hong Kong drizzle on Cuban heels 
     I rowed down the gutter to the Blood Bank 
     and I'd left all my papers on the Ticonderoga 
     and was in a bad need of a shave 
     and so I slopped at the corner on cold chow mein 
     and shot billards with a midget 
     until the rain stopped 
     and I bought a long sleeved shirt 
     with horses on the front 
     and some gum and a lighter and a knife 
     and a new deck of cards (with girls on the back) 
     and I sat down and wrote a letter to my wife 

     and I said Baby, I'm so far away from home 
     and I miss my Baby so 
     I can't make it by myself 
     I love you so 

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