Google Watch

Paul Mackin paul.mackin at
Tue Mar 4 14:39:44 CST 2003

On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 10:38, Richard Romeo wrote:
> william gibson in "Pattern Recognition" has many of
> his characters use the term google-ized or googled. (a
> novel which I can say I am liking very much, tho WG
> likes the word archaic too much--i do apologize for
> demouncing it previously here). 

Oh, that's OK. Read it anyway. Glad I stuck it out, although if Pynchon
wrote like Gibson, Gravity's Rainbow would have been as long as A la
Recherche . . .endless dwelling on brand names (Google is only the tip
of the iceberg), which might be excused as part and parcel of one theme
of the novel but tiresome nevertheless ... plus, why does it need to
take pages to describe the heroine's most mundane of activities. Still
not a bad read in my opinion. There is what seems to me a worthy
addition to the proverbs for paranoids list on pp.293-4.


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