a joke about two psychoanalysts

Abdiel OAbdiel abdieloabdiel at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 4 20:51:22 CST 2003

--- Keith McMullen <keithsz at concentric.net> wrote:
> >>>What's to figure out?<<<
> Well, it can't be figured out, but it can be
> reflected upon, and when
> reflected upon deeply enough, results in a nihilism
> which goes beyond
> anything most nihilists had in mind. Metaphors are
> just dicking around.

The world, the brain, the  body, the self,  do not
exist unless the diverse efforts to explain metaphor
by some logical pattern of embodied brain data 
consciously  or unconsciously quantified in measures
of waves/particles as input at similarity junctures
and contrasted points and/or discursive
dissimilarity/resemblance points of both/and
substitution and/or interaction is paradoxically
inappropriate in abusive combinations. However, even
when metaphor is expressed in the grammatical form of 

a comparison, that is, as simile, it is still a
mataphor only by virtue of a very special mode of
handling on the reader/listener's part: 

Oh my brain is like an orange orange pumpkin, / that's
newly sprung up in a corn field along with the yellow
brick toad. 

If a Nihilist stops to consider in what logical ways
my brain might be "like"  a pumpkin, the metaphor,
like the witch on here broom, has vanished into thin

Somthing there is that doesn't like analysis. 

Did analysis kill the metaphor? 

Dead metaphors and Kennedys too. 

There goes JFK's pumpkin, SPLAT! 

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