antw. TSI, Notes 1: Tom and Sam (Mark) and Huck and Baby Tyrone

lorentzen-nicklaus lorentzen-nicklaus at
Thu Mar 6 06:06:58 CST 2003

Michael Perez schrieb:

> My question is, though:  Is this what Pynchon thought about the beats? 

> Are Mailer's "White Negroes" and the recent times' "Whiggers" childish,
> self-centered know-it-alls who develop the mannerisms, cultural
> appreciation, dress, and speech of African Americans of either time
> (the 50s or the 90s)because they want to be outside without
> experiencing the nastiness and descrimination that provided the
> background for these cultural developments?  

  probably yes. at least i consider my own 1990s enthusiasm for black style
  to be boyish and naive. not exactly 'self-centered' since i made my historical 
  homework and did more research than the average hiphop fan. but this doesn't  
  change anything crucial. just an intellectual idiot giving the exploitation   
  some highbrow twist ... and then it's also cheap to say so now, being older,  
  with the new world order making it impossible to believe in an alternative 

  Gave up hiphop,
  Gave up drugs,
  Gave up that silly idea of

  Now, what to do? 

  Raising my children,
  Kissing my wife,
  Reading the thinkers,
  Checking the news ---

  And don't forget to feel the dark! 

                                                       kai *

> No matter how much
> appreciation Pynchon had for _On the Road_, is this what he learned
> from the beats?

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