pynchon agnostic? II

Richard Fiero rfiero at
Mon Mar 10 01:10:45 CST 2003

thomas kyhn rovsing hjoernet wrote:
>On 09/03/03 19:43, "Cyrus" <cyrusgeo at> wrote:
>. . .
>>  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, 
>> and the Word was  God. The same was in the beginning with 
>> God. All things were made by him;  and without him was not 
>> any thing made that was made.
>>  There you have it, it was all produced by language.
>>  Sorry, Thomas, but in your citation "word" has nothing to 
>> do with language. From the OED:
>  . . .
>To tell you the truth, I wasn't completely convinced by my hypothesis
>  . . .

Let's not be quite so hasty. Recall the recently quoted flawed 
OED definition of entropy, but let's continue.
A PowerPoint presentation starting with Genesis might include:
1. Adam and Eve are in the Garden undifferentiated and innocently spontaneous.
2. Adam eats the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge when Eve as the 
Divine Sophia of Reason rather than the Great Mother takes the 
initiative of introducing critical intelligence.
3. Adam and Eve are cast out of innocent integration and are 
prevented from returning by a Flaming Sword, possibly the 
divisive cutting edge of analysis. Adam's curse then condemned 
him to earn his living by the sweat of his brow.
(Since human intelligence can know things only through the 
screen of words, naming things constitutes Adam's original sin.)
4. In order to circumvent the Flaming Sword and to regain our 
oneness, we require a ritual which provides us with intelligence and autonomy.
5. Let intelligence in the form of the Word by deified and then 
let the Word be sacrificed.
6. The Logos or Word becomes flesh and is sacrificed along with 
the products of analysis, the binary pair of criminals.

I don't care what theologians may have to say.
Where's Terrance when you need him?
In one view, Oedipus, Jesus Christ, Job, Willy Loman, 
Raskolnikov and Hamlet are Western tragic heroes of alienation.

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