The Central Pro/Pre/Per Scriptivisor

Dave Monroe davidmmonroe at
Tue Mar 11 16:15:17 CST 2003

Of course ...

--- Abdiel OAbdiel <abdieloabdiel at> wrote:
> --- Dave Monroe <davidmmonroe at> wrote:
> > My question is, just how many people who demand
> > that everybody in These You-Knighted States speak
> > not only English, but "Standard English,"
> > actually speak and/or write it themselves?  
> As I stated previously, none. No one speaks and/or
> writes SE. It's an ideal. In the USA the ideal is
> SAE. No one speaks or writes Standard American
> English.  No one.

Never ask a question you don't already know the answer
to.  Exactly ...
> African Americans are still not writing on a par
> with white students.

But I have the same problems with the implicit
prescription here that others have already expressed. 
However, again, it's a matter of, what do you want to
do?  Sure, one often understands what someone else is
getting at, "knows what they mean," despite what
they're actually saying, writing, whatever, but ...
well, it doesn't hurt to be able to close that gap as
much as possible on the sending end, rather than
relying on someone at the receiving end to do so for
you, no?  I'm alreadyt relying on no small effort on
teh part of y'all in that regard here as it is, so ...
so I also know what (I think) you mean about making an
attempt at SAE, at whatever's idiomaticv ina ny given
situation, as a pragmatic move.  Know what I mean?

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