NP Ebonics (was It ain't only Rock & Roll, it's Jazz too)

vze422fs at vze422fs at
Fri Mar 14 23:59:26 CST 2003

Aaaahhh. People......

Gay guys get married and have children all the time. I don't mean bisexual
guys. Gay guys get married and have children.

Nevertheless, I have never seen anything in Terrance's posts that would lead
one to suspect any sexual orientation whatsoever. He may be belligerent and
provocative, but his sexuality doesn't seem to be an issue. This does border
on bigotry. I find speculation on his homo or heterosexualty to be in bad
taste, and you know I'm not his biggest fan.

Believe it or not, I think Terrance is owed an apology here. I almost can't
believe I just typed that.


on 3/14/03 11:03 AM, Malignd at malignd at wrote:

> <<I don't know why you think he's gay (and I won't
> touch your associating gay and nuerotic with a
> ten-foot pole).  He's mentioned a wife, too, many
> times.  In this thread he said she taught grammer.  I
> have no reason to disbelieve that she exists.>>
> I'm not sure why I thought gay; distillation of this
> and that over a number of years, perhaps wrongheaded.
> He did mention a wife, true, but then he's posted
> under numerous guises.  I certainly don't mean it as a
> slander.
> And I'm not linking gay and neurotic; I inferred
> neurosis from his often rambling, diffuse,
> self-pitying, Sybil-like posts.  I mean Abdiel
> OAbdiel?  
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