SLSL language

MalignD at MalignD at
Sat Mar 15 16:53:17 CST 2003

In a message dated 3/15/03 4:48:58 PM, pynchonoid at writes:

> Malign's characterization of Black English -- a
> language which has produced much beautiful literature,
> and which is the native tongue of millions of
> Americans -- as "mangled" and "aberrant" remains
> harsh, demeaning, subjective, racist, an excellent
> example of hate speech, and of a piece with the
> neo-fascist sensibility so frequently expressed in
> this forum in recent weeks

The Millison has certainly worked himself into a lather, what?   

"Aberrant"--an aberrant spelling--means no more than deviating from what is 
normal or typical. Perhaps he finds it offensive that I consider common 
dictionary spellings normal and typical.

Let me repeat for him his accusation that in arguing for a prescriptive 
grammar I am arguing for the ruination of black literature.   This, I must 
say, is as inspired as it is inane. 

Since most of what is distinctive about black literature comes in one way or 
another from the experiences of slavery, prejudice, Jim Crow, etc., the 
Millison might follow his argument's logic to its   conclusion.   A return 
to, shall we call them, "the old ways" might put a little starch back into 
black literature, dont' you think, Scoop?

You bloviating fathead.

Dave Marc asked a couple of specific questions regarding things I said about 
Ebonics.   I will reply to them when I have more time. 
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