SLSL: mortality & mercy in vienna/: eddins

Abdiel OAbdiel abdieloabdiel at
Wed Mar 26 15:00:11 CST 2003

> Thanks for the good find, Kai--those excerpts are
> absolute genius!  Here I 
> had thought that MMV was purely an embarrassing
> minor effort about which the 
> author would happily forget...a sophomoric attempt
> at making literature out 
> of characters too dimensionless even for a comic
> book...a muddy muddled 
> little tale with an ending tacked on carelessly so
> the author could just say 
> the thing was done...

I think several P-listers, Thomas E. and myself
included, are very impressed with MMV because it is
the story that exposes some of the major themes of his
fiction not taken up in Entropy or the others.  While
the tale is a sophmoric attempt (and Eddins agrees
that it is a sophmoric attempt) it is a very important
window into the mind of Thomas R Pynchon. 

> and yet look what Dwight Eddins can make of it!  How
> much do you think I'd 
> have to pay Dr. Eddins to review my last book?  This
> is the kind of critical 
> press I really need!

Dr. Eddins is a very nice guy. Why don't you write him
and ask him. 

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